About us ───
Leader in the area of stamping of sheet metal
The company OLZA, spol s r.o. is a Czech company with years of experiences in metal cold forming. We work with a wide portfolio of materials, including aluminimum extrusion. We offer also further technologies, including production of stamping tools.
Certification ───
EU projects ───
Purchase of a modern stamping line, reg.Nr. CZ.01.2.06/0.0/17_139/0012850
The purchase of a technology for production of aluminimum products for automotive is the essence of the project.
The stamping line consisting of eccentric press 400 t and peripheries (unswinding, adjusting and feeding device) will be purchased within the intention. An optical measuring device and a 3D scanner, which enable to follow the production quality, will be purchased as an addition. The market opportunity is the reason to implement the project. The project implementation will contribute to the long-term sustainability of company activities.
Implementation: 1/2018-3/2019
Process digitization and increase of cyber security, reg.Nr. CZ.01.4.04/0.0/0.0/21_376/0027603
The process digitization and the increase of cyber security of the company OLZA, spol. s r.o. belongs to an activity challenge: The support of digital company transformation. The digitization of processes in the area of controlling, production monitoring, the digitization of production shift records through IS and the endurance increase against cyber attacks and threats is the subject of the project. Areas of focusing of the project implementation: production electronization, production monitoring, endurance increase against cyber attacks and threats, purchase of related HW and reinforcement of server for remote accesses.
Implementation: 6/2022-3/2023
Purchase of a modern stamping line, reg.Nr. CZ.01.2.06/0.0/17_139/0012850
The purchase of a technology for production of aluminimum products for automotive is the essence of the project.
The stamping line consisting of eccentric press 400 t and peripheries (unswinding, adjusting and feeding device) will be purchased within the intention. An optical measuring device and a 3D scanner, which enable to follow the production quality, will be purchased as an addition. The market opportunity is the reason to implement the project. The project implementation will contribute to the long-term sustainability of company activities.
Implementation: 1/2018-3/2019
Process digitization and increase of cyber security, reg.Nr. CZ.01.4.04/0.0/0.0/21_376/0027603
The process digitization and the increase of cyber security of the company OLZA, spol. s r.o. belongs to an activity challenge: The support of digital company transformation. The digitization of processes in the area of controlling, production monitoring, the digitization of production shift records through IS and the endurance increase against cyber attacks and threats is the subject of the project. Areas of focusing of the project implementation: production electronization, production monitoring, endurance increase against cyber attacks and threats, purchase of related HW and reinforcement of server for remote accesses.
Implementation: 6/2022-3/2023